January 2024

Burns Night traditions thrill everyone at Abbots Wood Manor

Burns Night traditions thrill everyone at Abbots Wood Manor

Piping in the haggis created quite a stir at Abbots Wood Manor during a fascinating celebration of Burns Night.

The event was steeped in tradition and a chance to enjoy Scottish traditions and celebrate the works of poet Robert Burns. Residents and staff enjoyed an evening of dance, music, and poetry, as well as a toast to Burns followed by some tasty neeps, tatties, and even a warming dram.

The party got started when Regional Community Relations Lead Richard Hollands pulled out the bagpipes to pipe in and address the haggis.

Resident John Dobbs said:

“It was wonderful to raise a toast to the words of Robert Burns and to think about Scotland past and present. However, I was certainly not expecting the bagpipes, and Richard was very impressive. It was a wonderful way to welcome the haggis!"

Home Manager Richard Hollands said,

"Sadly, our bagpipe player let us down, so we thought the show had to go on, so I just improvised. It was great fun, and the residents looked to have a great time.”

Poet Robert Burns focused his writing on those less privileged, and his vision was for a life of more equality and a better world. The poet had a tough life and died in poverty on the same day his ninth child was born.