February 2024

Biker Alison Gets Back In The Driving Seat

Biker Alison Gets Back In The Driving Seat

Adventurous Alison Frankel couldn’t believe her eyes when a nippy yellow scooter was parked outside her window – reminding her of her years on the road.

Alison, aged 84, was 19 years old when she bought her very first moped, giving her some longed-for freedom.

She spent her youth on her grey Lambretta, travelling all around South Wales, Somerset and Berkshire – even taking her mother on the back for shopping trips and family visits.

After 56k miles, the grey Lambretta was history and was replaced by a red Vespa, giving Alison further adventures around the UK.

Alison said:

“I took my mother on the back of my Lambretta to her family in South Wales for lunch, over the Seven Bridge to Bridge End.

“After lunch, we came back home, taking the scenic route over Birdlip Hill to Oxford and Harwell and back to Compton village.

“It cost us 10 shillings and sixpence each in two-stroke petrol.

“I then returned back to Reading, where I was living, which was another 20 miles on.

Alison added:

“It was an amazing 132 miles going to Bridge End but more than that on the return journey. I was a different person on a bike, I came to life, all that freedom was amazing!”

Wellbeing Coach Lidia Nikolova Gjorgjieva added:

“If you see a yellow scooter and red jacket on the roads of Eastleigh it might be Alison reliving a memory from her adventurous past.”