August 2023

Elstow residents get serious about twitching

 Elstow residents get serious about twitching

Earlier this year, the amateur twitchers at Elstow Manor in Bedford joined the RSPB Big Birdwatch, putting out new bird tables and boxes as well as plenty of food during the winter.

Now they have replenished their bird table stock with some new homes for the birds. Residents have been busy making them and placing them around the garden this summer.

Elstow Manor Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach Oliver Waddington said: “We all love the garden, and now we have a healthy set of wonderful birds visiting we want to keep them coming back.

“Hopefully, the new birdboxes will bring even more guests to the garden.”

Elstow resident Graham Edginton, aged 95, keeps a good count of the many birds visiting, and he enjoys seeing the pigeons, blackbirds and goldfinches.

Fellow resident Jean Harlow, aged 91, said: “From my window into the garden, I have seen starlings, both gold and green finches, house sparrows and pigeons.”

Whilst residents John Skevington, aged 87, and Val Hunt, aged 74, have recently seen goldfinches, pigeons, magpies and sparrows during their walks around the garden.

Terence Morton, aged 91, added: “From my patio, I have seen magpies and pigeons.”

Linda Garner, aged 90, watches out for wagtails.

Linda said: “Before coming to Elstow I used to have a little robin that visited my house at the back door, so the patio brings back some happy moments, I look out for the robins from my patio here at Elstow Manor.”