December 2023

Cute chip steals the show at Elstow Manor

Cute chip steals the show at Elstow Manor

Residents and staff at Elstow Manor Care Home couldn’t wait to welcome the unusual guests, including Madagascar hissing cockroaches, a boa constrictor and Azalea the ferret.

The magnificent creatures were brought to the home by Teaching Talons, an organisation that works with schools, nurseries, and care homes across Bedfordshire.

Resident Graham said: “It was fascinating learning all the animals, and they really are amazing. But Chip got us all laughing and looked so cute and smartly dressed in all his frills.”

Elstow Manor Regional Community Relations Lead Val Foley said: “Animals have such a calming influence, and the Teaching Talons were full of incredible information. It was a huge learning experience for us all and lots of fun. We all adored Chip, who easily won people’s hearts.

The animals were visited as part of Elstow Manor's pet therapy programme.

All of the animals are captive-bred by breeders, private collections and zoos within the UK.