March 2024

Tea And Cake Fit For A King And Queen At Cambridge Grove

Tea And Cake Fit For A King And Queen At Cambridge Grove

Residents at Cambridge Grove and guests tucked into a high tea fit for royalty at an opening party for the new home.

The home opened its doors to the community and special guests Fulbourn Parish councillors  Graham Cone and Councillor Luke Viner.

Musician Ruth Holden played her beautiful 100-year-old ornate harp whilst everyone enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. Cllr Viner said:

“It’s been lovely taking time out of my day to sit back and relax with other people listening to great music.”


Ruth played many much-loved songs, including ‘Tale as Old as Time’ from Beauty and the Beast and ‘Candle in the Wind’ by Elton John.

The event was to celebrate the first few weeks of Cambridge Grove being open.

Wellbeing Coach Amy Milburn said:

“It was a tea fit for the royals and certainly a king and queen, using fine china tea sets, three-tier cake stands and prosecco glasses! Our sous-chef, Sloen, made a selection of sandwiches (ham and tomato, cream cheese and cucumber, brie and cranberry & egg and cress) along with an abundance of homemade scones, cakes and other delicious, sweet treats. It was a dream, and thank you to everyone for making it happen - especially to our amazing guests."


The incredible treats looked particularly enticing laid out on pretty plates while tea was served in the most delicate cups.

Guest Angela Nightingale from Comberton said:

“Thank you for the invite. It’s been a delightful afternoon eating cake and chatting to other people.”

Amy added:

“This is one of many more community events; it’s been so wonderful to show people our lovely home and hear all their stories about this thriving community in Fulbourn.”