April 2024

Friendship And Love Celebrated At Alston House

Friendship And Love Celebrated At Alston House

Clouds of colour and huge smiles heralded a celebration of friendship and love at Alston House when everyone enjoyed traditional Hindu festivities.

Holi is a Hindu festival which celebrates love, friendship, new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil.

The Alston House team organised the event as part of their Celebrating Diversity series, which means that every month they dedicate a day to celebrate a different culture chosen by a team member.

It gives staff and residents an opportunity to learn new things about cultures from around the world as well as new things about one another.

It’s also proving an effective way to strengthen friendships within the team.

Wellbeing Coach Lidia Nikolova Gjorgjieva said:

“The team at Alston House is a beautiful amalgam of people coming from different cultures. 

“We began our diversity celebrations in January and this month apart from St. Patrick's Day we celebrated the colourful Holi.

“Our hospitality manager Ash went above and beyond to prepare delicious food and talk about the culture and the amazing Indian traditions. 

“And together with the other colleagues coming from India they made this Friday a day to remember.”

Holi is recognised for its vibrant colour with some people call it the ‘Festival of Colours’ because people throw coloured water and powder at one another.

 It is also known as the ‘Festival of Spring’ because it is held at the end of winter to mark the start of spring. 

Overall, it is seen as a chance by many Hindus to reset friendships.

Resident Phyl Turner, aged 93, said:

“It was nice to learn new facts about India.” 

Fellow resident Ruth Geary, aged 80, said:

“I liked the food; it was very tasty. Seeing the staff members have fun with the colours was so fun.”

 Lidia added:

“We wish a very Happy Holi to all the people celebrating it.”

alston house holi