December 2024

Abbots Wood Manor Gets Spruced Up!

Abbots Wood Manor Gets Spruced Up!

The Christmas spirit arrived at Abbots Wood Manor when residents made their very own giant wreath.

Residents welcomed Tina Childs from Best of Buds 71 into the home to give a demonstration on wreath-making and to help the residents make some spectacular flower arrangements.

As well as the glorious flower arrangements residents designed their very own festive wreath.

Customer Relations Manager Richard Hollands said: “It was wonderful to have Tina here to share all her tips and talent.

“We were all very inspired and she really helped us all enter into the festive spirit. Having a lovely wreath on the door give such a wonderfully warm welcome.”

Resident Carol said: “It was a fabulous afternoon, and I really enjoyed watching the Abbots Wood Manor wreath being made.”

The traditions of the wreath go back a long time. It is believed that the holly wreath, with its sharp, pointed leaves, first represented the crown of thorns worn by Christ on the cross, the little red berries symbolizing drops of blood. In later years, wreaths were formed from a variety of pines and firs, with evergreens embodying eternal life. However, some people believe the origin goes back to Ancient Rome, where the wreaths were hung on doors to represent victory.

In ancient pagan, German and Scandinavian cultures, wreaths symbolise nature and have been used to honour the return of the sun and the promise of spring.

Richard added: “Our Abbotts Wood Manor wreath is a lovely welcome to all our friends, family and the wider community this Christmas.”