July 2023

Orchestra hits all the right notes at Alston House

Orchestra hits all the right notes at Alston House

The residents were thrilled to host children from the nearby Crescent Primary School Orchestra and Choir and were also joined by members of Andover Mind for a spectacular performance.

Wellbeing Coach of Aston House Care Home Nikolova Gjorgjieva said: “We welcomed 42 children and all of them showed impeccable music talent but also amazing manners and kindness.


“It was lovely to see residents and other attendees joining in the singing.”

And the entertainment didn’t stop there - after the concert the children stayed and had a picnic and chatted with residents about school and their love for music.

Crescent Primary School in nearby Toynbee Road, Eastleigh, has won awards for its music provision.


Lidia added: “We always enjoy having the children here for special visits, everyone gets something very valuable out of them.

“Not only does it build a child’s confidence, especially as they have the opportunity to perform to an audience, but it encourages discussion and learning from one another, we all benefit.”