July 2023

Everyone’s in perfect harmony at Elstow Manor

Everyone’s in perfect harmony at Elstow Manor

Residents, family, friends and staff were completely bowled over by the stunning songs of the local choir.

Elstow Manor Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach Oliver Waddington said: “It was wonderful to welcome the choir here in Wixam's Elstow Manor and we are very grateful that 30 people took their time to come and perform for us.

“They performed their summer repertoire of songs, and it was just as good as their Christmas carol performance.

“It was fascinating and wonderful for all of us to hear – they even had many of us, including residents and families singing along with them.”

Singing is known to provide many benefits for us all, it lifts the spirits and can even increase immunity and provide a workout for the brain and lungs. Group singing is a perfect way to create new friendships and community choirs generate strong bonds between people.

Resident Ron Morris, aged 82, was thanked by the choir lead afterwards as throughout the show he was singing along, clapping, tapping his thigh and whistling encouraging others to join.

Resident Tony Crossley, aged 95, said: “It was wonderful to have the choir with us, the music certainly boosted my spirits, the sounds were very special.”

After the performance members of the choir sat down for tea with the residents and enjoyed an afternoon of good conversation – all in perfect harmony.