July 2023

Children join Upton residents for Mad Hatter’s tea party

Children join Upton residents for Mad Hatter’s tea party

The Alice in Wonderland Day proved a huge hit with residents, families and other guests at our Poole care home especially as the cakes at the table were so incredibly scrumptious with plenty to go around.

The children from Ladybirds Playschool, in Poole Road, enjoyed running around in the garden and tucking into the delicious tea at the amazing Mad Hatter’s table.

Activity Co-ordinators Tracey Wallis dressed as Queen of Hearts, Elaine Hall as mischievous White Rabbit, staff member Eljo Mulayanickkal came as Mad Hatter and Hotel Service Manager, Caroline Schoeman appeared as Alice.


They were all thrilled with how the day went.

Tracey said: “Everyone loves Alice in Wonderland, and it was lovely to see all the magic come alive on the day.

“The children really got into the spirit of it all and were so excited to see the characters too.

“As always we were so impressed with the children, they were lovely and so well-mannered at the table and super guests.”


Children and residents sat together for a buffet style tea party lunch and discussed Alice in Wonderland, the famous story by writer Lewis Carroll.

Luckily on the day no one disappeared down a rabbit hole although everyone’s imagination was certainly inspired by the event.

In fact, Alice herself would most certainly have felt welcome at Upton Manor’s Mad Hatter’s tea party with all its amazing food and conversation.