July 2023

William’s Barbershop Tradition Proves A Real Treat


Eighty-eight-year-old William Cory, a Doctor of Engineering, makes it part of his weekly routine to visit the First-Class Turkish Barbers Byfleet in nearby High Road.

Barbershops became most popular as places for men to socialise and continue to be popular in high streets around the country.

Charrington’s Wellbeing and Lifestyle Coach Claudia Modiga said: “Barbershops and all its traditions go back many years and are enjoyed by many.

“We do encourage residents to keep their hobbies, interests and habits alive, so William was keen to continue getting a shave and a cut at the barbers.”

William used to work as a technical director for Woods Air Movement, Colchester, which began as a manufacturer of small electrical parts introducing a range of fans in the 1920s.

His final qualification was a Doctor of Engineering at the company, and he became the first non-American to be the President of the Air Movement and Control Association.

William said: “A visit to the barbers is not just about a cut and a shave, we always get chatting and it’s a nice way to meet people.”