January 2020

Nesbit House Launches Pen Pal Scheme With Local School

Nesbit House Launches Pen Pal Scheme With Local School

The new scheme launched last month when a group from the school visited them.

The students - aged 9 to 11, took part in a creative session where they decorated a paper mâché post box to be kept in their classroom.

Their post box matches one decorated by the residents at Nesbit House and will be used to exchange cards and letters between them.

For Dean Champion, Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach, who hosted the school during the visit, it is a great opportunity to build meaningful relationships between the children and residents.

Dean said: “It was our great pleasure to welcome the Radnor House students for this visit and to launch the pen pal scheme.

“While they were here, we talked about the correspondence that we can send each other. As well as sharing our news and stories, it’s also a nice focus for craft sessions at the school and here in the home.

“There are already plans to swap Christmas cards and Remembrance Day letters, which will mean so much to the people here.”

Radnor House School came to Nesbit House for their 2019 Make A Difference Day, the annual initiative where young people engage in community service and volunteerism.

While at the home, the children also baked a rainbow cake for residents, helped to plant up a grass bank to improve the look of an outdoor pathway and the school choir gave a special performance.

Nesbit House resident Pat Kikatt said: “I really liked seeing the children enjoy themselves and seeing them helping others. I loved hearing the children sing – I thought they were very good.

“It will be nice to hear what they’ve all been getting up to at school and I can write back.’

For further information about Nesbit House care home in Sevenoaks get in touch with us on 01959 580220 or email [email protected]