March 2020

Mother’s Day bagpipes, flower arranging and more

Mother’s Day bagpipes, flower arranging and more

Mother’s Day bagpipes

Over at Milngavie Manor, we were visited by Munro Bagpiper – the talented piper played his bagpipes from across the street for our residents, to plenty of applause.

Says Munro on his Facebook page, “Today has been such a whirlwind, but can’t remember feeling so proud to be able to play the pipes. I had the pleasure of being welcomed to THE OUTSIDE of local care homes, to play some tunes for the residents who are currently locked down due to corona virus. Their faces will live with me for a long time.”

Check out a video of the show

Busy Bees in the Garden

Down to Nesbit House, and our residents have been planting seeds for the summer.

As the sun has decided to come out this week, residents spent the day basking it up in the garden!

As well as having some chill-time, residents rejoiced in planting vegetables to grow and eat when summer comes.

Dean, Nesbit’s Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach, was very impressed with the work put in. “We’ve really been busy bees! Today we have planted all our raised beds, and a new centrepiece - a magnolia shrub that previously belonged to one of our lovely residents.

“Her daughter brought it in as they are in the process of selling her home, and we found a new home for it in our garden. This way, she can look at it and memories of her old home will come right back to her.”

We can’t wait to see what it all looks like.

Flower arranging

One resident of Newton House has rekindled her love for arranging flowers! Elsie has recently been creating beautiful bouquets of flowers to put around the care home, making it more vibrant and colourful than ever.

“I’ve always loved flowers and it’s great to be able to brighten up everyone’s day when they walk past them,” says Elsie.

Arranging flowers is fun and rewarding – but you have to have an eye for colours!”

It’s wonderful to see our residents occupy themselves by doing the things they love. Our Homemakers try their absolute best to facilitate hobbies and interests, and to make our Homes, well… homes.

Thank you Elsie for brightening up the home.


Lastly, our Oxfordshire care home Chawley Grove has found a way to beat the lockdown – by getting involved in the #postcardsofkindness initiative.

In just a week, residents at Chawley have already received 4 postcards. We make sure nobody touches them until they’ve been laminated, and every resident who has received one has been ecstatic.

Megan, Chawley Grove’s Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach, found out about it through the dedicated Facebook page, and is really happy with the results so far.

She says, “I am overwhelmed at the fact we only joined Postcard of Kindness on Monday/Tuesday and in less than two days we have had our first ever postcard!

“This is such an amazing thing created for all to join, support and break loneliness in elderly. We have been making our own postcards ready to send and pass on the kindness created.”

Stay tuned!

We’ve got plenty going on in all our care homes, so stay tuned for another update soon.