July 2023

Link Up With a Latte – Chawley Grove’s Monthly Networking Event

Link Up With a Latte – Chawley Grove’s Monthly Networking Event

Link Up With a Latte is now held on the last Thursday of every month. It gives Oxford business professionals an opportunity to connect and chat, in the most luxurious of surroundings.

Our first Link Up, held on February 27th, was a roaring success, with business professionals across the county coming over for a coffee and tour around the Home.

Karen Fitzgerald, Regional Community Relations Lead, had said about the event, “We have such wonderful facilities here at Chawley Grove that we wanted to give local business people the opportunity to meet each other here and enjoy a coffee.

“The first Link Up had a fantastic turn-out. We had professionals from different backgrounds show up and everyone was so great with each other.”

One such professional was the CEO of OACP – Oxfordshire Association of Care Home Providers. Eddie was keen to meet other care professionals and has even decided to use Chawley Grove Care Home as the location for their next networking event!

Another attendee was Sam, the owner of Keep Trust Planning. His wife is a dementia researcher for the local hospital and, as one of the top dementia care providers, we’re very keen to remain in contact to remain up to date with the latest findings.

Getting involved in the local community has always been a top priority for Hamberley Care Homes. As well as this, our other regular events range between our Kids Cinema Club, all the way to our Community Friendly Wednesdays, where we often invite guests from the Oxfordshire community.

Karen says, “Chawley Grove is not only a luxury care home; it is also at the heart of the community and this is just another way we can be of service to local people.”

Thank you everyone who attended our first Link Up With a Latte – we look forward to seeing you again!

The next Link Up With a Latte will be on Thursday 26th March. To reserve a space, contact the Chawley Grove team on 01865 957650 or email [email protected].