January 2020

Derek shares his views at Caddington

Derek shares his views at Caddington

Work was never a chore for management trainer Derek Randall, in fact it was one of the highlights of his life.

The skilled professional worked all over the world during his career, training managers in New Zealand, India, Tasmania and other far-flung locations.

During conversations with Caddington staff, including Wellbeing & Lifestyle Coach Amy Humphries, Derek talked passionately about his working life.

So, Amy wondered if Derek wanted to bring his skills to bear at Caddington Grove.

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“Derek has a lot of knowledge and skills,” explains Amy. “He talked with such enthusiasm about his work that I wondered if we could find a way for him to use those talents here.”

When asked there were two areas where Derek felt he could make an impact – attending interviews for new staff and giving tours of the home.

He was keen to ensure Caddington found the best people for vacant positions and knew how to find the right candidates for the jobs.

“I’m delighted that I get to flex those management training muscles again,” enthuses Derek.

“I think it’s a good idea to have a resident in interviews as I can ask questions and identify when people are not going down the right track. I’m happy to help Caddington be the best it can be.”

As well as taking part in interviews, Derek regularly gives potential residents and families tours of the home.

During these walk-throughs, they can ask him for an unbiased opinion and get a true insight into what living here is like.

“I think it’s useful for people to be able to ask lots of questions and get the answers from me, knowing I’ve had the full Caddington experience,” explains Derek.

“Before my wife Joyce and I came to look at the home, I had never seen these types of places before. I was impressed by everything that’s on offer. I think this type of care package is a brilliant idea.”

Meanwhile, Amy says it’s great for new staff and prospective residents to see just how interesting and engaged the residents here are.

“Meeting Derek shows people coming here that this isn’t just a place where people are unwell and need lots of help, it’s so much more,” she tells us.

“Many of our residents are bright, engaged people with a rich history, just like Derek.”

Find out more about Caddington Grove here.

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